Tuesday, June 30, 2015

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys alleon99 here. Sorry I haven't posted in long time. Well the WORST THING HAPPENED EVER AND NOW I CANT PLAY AJ FOR A WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Plz help me by suggesting games that u like. Though its hard because AJ makes everything look like POOP! plz plz plz im freakin out!!! BTW plz check out my video ANIMAL JAM NYAN CAT

Monday, June 15, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015


Hey jammers! Guess what? This blog is officially including videos that are not AJMVs! I will put videos here as much as i can! I will put some old videos in some pages in this blog u can see! HOPE U LIKE THIS NEW BLOG!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

15 by Taylor Swift is here!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE WAITING!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

15 IS HERE!!!!! NO MORE WAITING!!!!!!!!! I GUESS YOU ARE HAPPY NOW!!!!!!! I AM!!!!!!!!! WATCH IT !!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

15 is here!!!!!! I think........ maybe, is it here??? ........ it should be

15 is here!..... I think, is it,      hmm. it will be in a few minutes
bat its 10:19 in the night for me so i gtg now. It should be here soon!
15 by taylor swift for the first time ever!!!!!!!!! Ok, should be here now............ come on......... hurry up Youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 more minutes???? grrrr hurry up u litte Youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gtg to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrr............ la la la la la la la la la la la OK IM BORED JUST BE PUBLISHED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRR.  While waiting plz play aj or watch my video on how to draw Peck. OK BYE I WILL MAKE ANOTHER POST FOR15